How to Present Your Home for a Quick and Profitable Sale

How to Present Your Home for a Quick and Profitable Sale

Whether you’re looking to sell your home or have just recently put it on the market, there are several ways to present your property for quick and profitable sale. You’ll have more showings and more offers if your home is showing its best self. Here’s how to do that:

Make sure your home is ready for sale

This includes cleaning, decluttering, repairing and updating as needed. Don’t forget that buyers are likely to be aware of any issues that require repair or attention, so they will expect you to have addressed them prior to their showing.

Make Sure Your Home Is in Showing Shape Before Showings Begin

Showings don’t just happen on their own; they require some preparation on your part. When showing agents arrive at your door, they want to see a clean house with everything in its place. So before you start showing, make sure all windows are clean, baseboards are dusted and floors are vacuumed or mopped (depending on what season it is). Make sure all doors are hung straight and that any clutter has been cleared away so they can see the entire house without having to move furniture around.

Show off the best features of your home first

 In general, buyers want to see three main things when they walk through a house: the kitchen, bathrooms and bedrooms. If you have an open floor plan, start with the kitchen and then move on to the rest of the main floor.

Make necessary repairs and upgrades

 Oftentimes, buyers will be more interested in buying a home that’s move-in ready than one that needs work. So before putting your house on the market, do any necessary repairs or upgrades that will improve its value and appeal so buyers won’t be put off by any cosmetic imperfections they might notice during their visit.

Prepare Your Home For Open Houses and Other Public Events

If you plan on holding open houses, make sure that the interior of your home is in tip-top shape. Get rid of personal clutter and make sure that the floors are clean. If you have pets, ask a friend or family member to pick them up for the day so they don’t scare away potential buyers.

Remove Unnecessary Furniture or Artwork

If there are extra pieces of furniture in your house that aren’t absolutely necessary, take them out before an open house event or showing with potential buyers. It may seem like common sense, but many people forget to remove these items until after the fact when they realize how much more spacious their home appears without them. Additionally, if you have any artwork hanging on walls or other prominent areas of your house, consider removing it temporarily during showings as well — unless it’s truly priceless artwork that adds value to your home!

Schedule a Pre-Listing Consultation with Your Real Estate Professional

A pre-listing consultation is an opportunity for you and Define Property real estate professional to discuss the property, the market, and what it will take to get your home sold quickly.

When scheduling a pre-listing consultation with your real estate professional:

Be prepared with answers to these questions: What does my home need? Is there anything I can do on my own or should I hire professionals for certain projects? Should we stage the house before asking for offers or showings? What upgrades or improvements would make this house stand out in today’s market (e.g., granite countertops)? How much square footage should I list my house at so that it sells fast without losing money on my investment in repairs/upgrades over time if buyers want lower price than what they’re currently paying elsewhere nearby)?

Declutter the Closets and Organize the Storage Spaces

A lot of clutter can be found in your closets and storage spaces. These areas are often overlooked when decluttering, but they deserve a second look. If you’re selling your home, consider taking the time to go through these spaces with a critical eye and evaluate what items could stay or go.

  • Closets: Take stock of what’s in there right now–and keep only those things that fit into your new lifestyle (and wardrobe). Ideally, this will mean getting rid of at least half the stuff!
  • Storage Spaces: Use storage spaces like attics, basements, garages or sheds as an opportunity to purge any old toys or other kid-related items that aren’t used anymore (or at all). It’s also important not just throw out everything–make sure each item gets donated instead so someone else can benefit from them!

We hope this article has provided you with some helpful tips on how to present your home for sale effectively.